This is an uncommon type of cancer that forms in soft tissues of the body. Soft tissue sarcomas can develop in fat, muscle, or fibrous tissues. They can form in tissues of the blood vessels or nerves. They are most often found in the arms, legs or abdomen, but they can develop in any part of the body. This cancer can also spread from one part of the body to another.
Soft tissue sarcomas are uncommon malignant tumours (“cancerous”) of soft tissue. They represent approximately 1% of adult malignancy and there are multiple types. They may arise in the skin, muscle, fat, nerves or vessels of the limbs, trunk, head or neck, or in the abdomen (“retroperitoneal sarcoma”).
The diagnosis is made on the basis of the history and medical imaging which can include ultrasound, computerised tomography (“CT scan”) or MRI. Often a needle biopsy, or sometimes a biopsy is taken via a small incision in the operating theatre, is performed to get tissue for a diagnosis.
Treatment options include surgery to remove the tumour, often combined with radiation therapy (before or after surgery) and sometimes chemotherapy.
Your treatment options will be discussed with you as part of a multidisciplinary approach.